From RCA Living Stereo liner notes:
"The most dazzling and ear-provoking demonstration of stereophonic sound."
"No name defined the Golden Age of High Fidelity more than RCA Living Stereo. Conceived in the mid-1950's by RCA producers and engineers, it pioneered the leap from monaural to stereo recording... Living Stereo was hailed by critics and public alike as the ultimate audio achievement. Living Stereo recordings ushered in the Golden Age and set the standard for musical and technical excellence... On a Living Stereo record, music comes fantastically alive. The sound is so vivid you can almost see and feel the music. Your ears will be able to distinguish where every instument and voice comes from - left, right or center."
And so much to choose from! I have a lot of Living Stereo records... so I just pulled out a bunch for the show and only realized after having finished production, that I forgot to include a track from the one that started it all for me... Music of the Islands by the Mauna Loa Islanders. Oh well... next time, I guess.
By the way, in the Lounge for this week's show is a special guest who will explain some of the more technical aspects of the Living Stereo process.
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Song 1 : : The Beat
Artist : : Henry Mancini
Album : : The Blues And The Beat
Liner notes
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Song 2 : : No Moon At All
Artist : : The Ames Brothers
Album : : Destination Moon
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Song 3 : : Poinciana
Artist : : Chet Atkins
Album : : The Other Chet Atkins
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Song 4 : : One More Dance
Artist : : Harry Belafonte and Miriam Makeba
Album : : Belafonte Returns to Carnegie Hall
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Song 5 : : Maria Bonita
Artist : : Perez Prado
Album : : Prez
Liner notes
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Song 6 : : The Gold Bug
Artist : : Buddy Morrow
Album : : Poe for Moderns
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Song 7 : : Perdido
Artist : : Marty Gold
Album : : Skin Tight